Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Cancer prevention and control requires you to focus on every part of the human body. Today's media tends to direct its attention on issues such as breast and prostate cancer, but another deadly form of the disease that affects Americans is cancer of the bladder. When it comes to preventing cancer, industrial nations need to start concentrating on bladder cancer control.
The American Cancer Society discusses four types of bladder cancer people can develop. They are urothelial carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinma, and small cell cancer. Each type of bladder cancers is treated differently; and patients are urged to consult with their doctors before beginning any regimen.
Cancer of the bladder can be detected early by recognizing certain symptoms such as blood in the urine or a sudden change in your bladder habits. If you are experiencing any other abnormalities, such as excessive pain, you should see your doctor immediately. If you are having trouble with bladder pain control, it could be a warning sign of a growing tumor.
If you want to start practicing cancer prevention and control, you should stop harmful habits. Smoking is the leading cause in bladder cancer, and the American Cancer Society reports that smokers develop this disease twice as often as individuals who don't have this habit.
This organization also reports men are more likely to develop bladder cancer than women. Other factors can contribute to this disease, such as age, race and family history. reports people over the age of seventy are two to three times more likely to develop bladder cancer than those in their fifties or younger.
Although research has not found a definite link to what causes this disease, there is enough evidence to support making positive changes in your lifestyle as a way to lower your risks.
If you do develop bladder cancer, there are options for treating this disease. You can choose from several different surgeries, depending on the aggression and stage of your cancer. These can range from a partial removal of the bladder to having the entire organ extracted from the body.
If you are in the earlier stages of this type of cancer, you could opt for immunotherapy, chemotherapy or radiation therapy treatments. After receiving your initial treatment, it is important to receive follow-ups to ensure the cancer does not return.
If you do have a relapse of your cancer, there are new tests and treatments out to help determine the stage and severity of it. The American Cancer Society discusses on the web site two new tests able to detect tumor cells by using urine samples.
A new treatment for cancer relapses is a PDT, or photodynamic therapy test. This method involves injecting a chemical into the body which clings to tumor cells in the bladder. A laser is then used to kill the tumor cells and eliminate the cancer.
As research continues for this disease, better advancements in treatments and early detections will be released to help fight this deadly killer.
With all the information available to day about cancer, there is good reason why you should advocate cancer prevention and control in your life. This is especially true for cancers that are not discussed frequently in the news, such as bladder cancer.
Preventing any kind of cancer involves maintaining a healthy lifestyle with plenty of exercise, a well-balanced diet and avoiding habits such as smoking.

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