Monday, May 28, 2007

Do you really know what you are smoking with every puff?

Do you really know what you are smoking with every puff? I always thought it was just tobacco. Boy was I wrong.
There are over 4,000 chemical compounds present in cigarette smoke, and many of these compounds are confirmed carcinogens. Here is a partial listing of some of the toxins you are taking into your body every time you inhale smoke from a cigarette.
Toxins You Intake In Every Puff:
* Acetone - This is a chemical manly used in finger nail polish remover
* Ammonia - The same stuff janitors use to clean the bathrooms to kill off bacteria’s and odor
* Arsenic - One of the main ingredients in rat / mouse poison.
* Butane - Key part in the creation of lighter fluid
* Cadmium - The most active component in battery acid
* Carbon Monoxide - The same gas released from your car's exhaust system
* DDT/Dieldrin - A poison used in commercial insecticides
* Ethanol - More commonly known as alcohol
* Hydrogen Cyanide - yet another lethal poison
* Methane - The gas released from your bowels (what a nice thought)
* Methanol - A component in making rocket fuel
* Naphthalene - One of the ingredients used in mothballs
* Nicotine - Yet another insecticide, and a highly addictive substance. The legal drug.
* Stearic Acid - a compound found in candle wax
* Toluene - An industrial strength cleaning solvent
Take a second look at this list and just imagine the kind of damage you are doing to your body with every puff. I find it amazing that such a collection of destructive chemicals can be legally packaged and sold in your local convenient store.

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